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What principles should be observed when handling plant equipment?
Time: 2023-06-26 Clicks: 580

1, according to the lifting of the weight of the lifting object equipment crane equipment, the additional lifting can be necessary to be greater than the weight of the equipment, and there is a certain margin, the amplitude of the function of the crane in the lifting of the lifting equipment, the lifting can be necessary to be greater than the weight of the equipment.

2. According to the height of the lifting and handling equipment and the total height of the equipment jumping over the obstacles (such as the height required by the safety regulations), the lifting equipment is reasonably equipped with the maximum lifting height to meet the needs of the lifting and handling height.

3, equipment handling rules: according to the induction of the working environment, equipped with different varieties of cranes, such as: according to the degree of ground softness equipment crawler crane or tire crane (especially under the condition of the ground need to lay roadbed boxes or sleepers).

4, according to the layout of lifting and handling objects and special needs, complete the equipment, and strictly implement the safety skills operating procedures. For example, when two or more cranes are lifting the same heavy object, the wire rope should be maintained straight, and when each crane is lifting the same heavy object, the wire rope should be maintained straight.